Archive for February, 2009

A Starry Night

February 27, 2009


Last weekend I was fortunate enough to spend time at the 81st Academy Awards. It was pretty awesome.


For me, I think Marion Cotillard was the best dressed.

Marion and Penelope

Marion and Penelope















But the honest truth is that nothing really happened (that I saw) before or during the awards but rather after. 





Immediately after the Best Picture winner (Slumdog Millionaire, which I saw way back when due to my affliction with Danny Boyle Films) A large white figure walked slowly and calmly down the exit carpet. He had only half a cigarette left, meaning that he had lit up prior to exiting the building, a huge California no-no. Mickey Rourke walked quietly down the carpet attracting the attention of no one. No one other than myself, that is. Not a single camera or microphone pointed his way. No one noticed at all.


I wouldn’t call him a sore loser or bad sport, he wasn’t fuming or making a scene. He just seemed disappointed and left empty handed. I embarrassingly admit, I have yet to see The Wrestler or Milk. That will probably change in the next few days.





The next thing that happened was after all the glitz and glamour left the building.

After Brangelina snuck out the back way and all the cameras and lights were taken down, a small army walked out, victorious. Probably the last people to walk out. Only this time someone noticed, SKY news from the UK. Danny Boyle and the whole crew from Slumdog Millionaire gave the first exclusive interview after cleaning house at the Oscars (8 won, 9 nominations) to SKY news…and me an innocent bystander who was hanging about. Danny was beaming. He had been the whole night. Almost like he knew the outcome already and was terrible at keeping secrets.






















Out from Mumbai

Out from Mumbai

It certainly was an incredible experience. One of many that I have had since returning a few weeks ago. And yes, I have still been seeing more live music. I can’t get enough. To quote Rivers Cuomo “I can’t stop partying, partying” And that’s not really bragging, it’s just a statement of fact. 

Sometimes I think I’m going crazy, but it turns out I’m just happy.

just a quickie

February 18, 2009


The Regular

The Regular

Hotel Cafe is a great place to hear new music. But the FAQs on their website are a freaking riot. Keep going all the way to the bottom.


Next post won’t be music related, I promise. After all, the Oscars are coming up…


February 17, 2009

It’s only appropriate that within the first week I land in LA I see more live music than I could even have planned to see in a month. After watching Lykke Li invoke the spirit of Stevie Nicks and put swagger into indie music (swear to you, those are her exact words: watch Last Call with Carson Daly on  2/18 to hear for yourself) I fell into the Silverlake Lounge on Sunset and  jumped, screamed, and danced my ass off to this energetic live band.


where are the drumsticks?

where are the drumsticks!?!



The 2-word motto for The Local Natives should be “Hit Things” because that’s exactly what they do. Reminiscent of The Arcade Fire coupled with the young energy of Vampire Weekend, these guys (and lady violinist, Amanda) could bring you to a sweat in a walk-in freezer. With the three singers swapping instruments frequently, a violinist who sometimes grabs some sticks and hits everything from drums to venue support beams, and a quiet and unassuming drummer (think Matt Tong), you become drawn into the music and don’t mind that you’re drinking luke warm Budweiser. 

Their last night of residency at Silverlake is 2/23, but if you miss that they will also be at SXSW in March.








Atwood… very appropriate

February 13, 2009


Herbie and Clem

Herbie and Clem

It has certainly been quite a while since the last post. I apologize for this, but now I’m done apologizing. It’s been a busy past couple of weeks. 



The migration actually happened. I am now located in LA. 

This was something that has been in the works since I left California 13 months ago. I never really unpacked my bags, I just didn’t know it. A tell-tale sign was when I never changed my watch from Pacific Standard Time.

The journey was littered with obstacles that never affected the final goal. Hours after I left Oklahoma tornadoes touched down and killed 9 people (tragic, my heart goes out to their families) and the roads where finally cleared after 20 inches of snow fell in Flagstaff right before driving through.

But now I am finally pursuing my full measure of happiness. I am now afforded the opportunity to hike, run, bike, surf, and do anything I wish. It wasn’t the easiest move I’ve made but I am very happy and proud of my decision. 

The future is uncertain but will certainly be positive. No longer do I fear the things that held me back before. There is a clear difference between fearless and shameless. Shameless is defined by abandoning shame  and fearless is when you no longer shame things that will lead to your goal.


I am fearless.


Right now I am doing freelance work for the Oscars (Watch Feb 22 for a glimpse of me in a monkey suit) but nothing is on the books for after that. With hard work and determination I know that I will advance my life and every moment will be a step in the right direction. 

In addition, I am going to work for a bar. And I currently live on Atwood Blvd. For all the die-hard OC fans out there, this is truly a coincidence for the best. (read: I am Ryan Atwood)